Artist Designed Bathroom Decor
We Specialize In Designs For Kids
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Ozscape Designs

kids STANDARD shower curtains

Make bath time a blast with Ozscape Designs! Our eco-friendly shower curtains feature whimsical designs that kids adore. From playful animals to colorful characters, each curtain brings smiles and practicality. Affordable, easy to hang, and bursting with fun, it’s a must-have for every kid’s bathroom. Shop now and let the adventures begin!

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EXCLUSIVE ORIGINAL Designs You Won't Find Anywhere Else

Standard Shower curtain Features

Using the same environmentally friendly printing technique as our premium range that produces vibrant colors  and has zero water wastage, these curtains are fade-resistant, machine washable and water wicking – everything you need to keep the water in the right place.

Experience the Perfect Blend of Function and Style!

With original designer artwork exclusive to Ozscape Designs to choose from, and two sizes to choose from, we also include 12 hooks for immediate hanging.

12 reinforced metal grommets offer a reliable opening for hook placement and ease of sliding your curtain open and closed and all edges are fully hemmed.

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shower curtains - customer reviews

"REALLY pretty and unique. My kitties give the paw of approval."
Roberta- California, USA
Rated 5 / 5

ozscape Designs

Dive into our story and see how we’re transforming spaces, one bathroom at a time. Discover how we create our unique, smile-inducing bathroom designs crafted with top-quality in mind. 

enchanting allure

“Upgrading your bathroom is not just about improving the aesthetics, it’s about creating a space that makes you feel wonderful every time you step into it.”